
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

Friday 21 November 2014

Poland in October

Poland in October
At Poland, we could discover the dwelves around the city. It was a very enjoyable experience for both, students and teachers. Students interacted really well. At meetings, teachers could make decisions about our final products: ebook and calendars; and we finally fix the dates for the two remaining meetings.

Portugal in May

Portugal in May
Portugal was a nice experience for all partners too. We could enjoy Portuguese hospitality. Students again enjoy and profit from the experience of coviviality. The photo exhibition showed the art hidden in our partners and the efforts made by everybody to get the most from the project. The schedule for next year was fixed, as well as the topic for photo exhibitions. We all said bye bye eager to meet again in October in Poland.

Lithuania in March

Lithuania in March
At this meeting, partners from Turkey, Poland, Portugal and Romania brought students. The understanding among students was perfect and they could profit from learning about Lithuanian culture. We held our first photo exhibition where all efforts' partners to make the project interesting was evident. The photos were really nice, they evidenced each other cultures.
At this meeting, teachers review the goals of the project, the benefits of the contact among students through cards and we sat the schedule for the following meeting.

Turkey in October

Turkey in October
The first meeting of our project was heldin at Usak, Turkey. The partners met each other; the meetings schedule and the project activities were finally fixed. It was an interesting meeting and all partners got the impression we could really worked together.